Commentary on the Gospel of

Eduardo Madrazo, cmf

At first glance, it looks as though we have to miss something to understand the reading. The text we have proclaimed is the second part of yesterday`s Gospel (Lk 12: 35-38) and both are part of some advice that Jesus gave to his disciples and every one listening to him. All of the advice has the same background: be awake.

Many times, we get used to every kind of situations in life. We can get used to seeing others suffering, to injustices… Our consumer-society tries different ways to anaesthetize us or invite us to have a superficial life. We can say that whenever we live superficially or are anaesthetized, we are living life without tension. This Gospel is an invitation to stay awake, to maintain a healthy tension; not to live with anguish or fear, but with some tension, that means with a sense of responsibility.

This sense of responsibility should bring us to give fruits. The first step to giving fruit is to recognize how much  we receive. Many times we think that we are owners of all we have. We should go one step further and realize that all we have is not ours, it is a gift (we can think of our talents, the love we receive from many people, everything we have received in our life). The first thing we have to do is give thanks to God for all those gifts. Because everything we have received is a gift; we should be good administrators and try to give as much fruit as we can. Instead of living our lives anaesthetized, we should be awake; that is today`s Gospel invitation.


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