Commentary on the Gospel of

Eduardo Madrazo, cmf

Who is Apollo? Where did he learn? Where is he coming from? What credentials does he have? He is alone, there are no disciples with him…

In those times there were false apostles, false itinerant preachers who took advantage of the communities and lived at the expense of them. The first reaction is to fall into the temptation of closing the doors to those that are unknown. The response should be to put into practice the Master's words: "by their fruits you will know them". That was what Priscilla and Aquila did. They focused on the fruits that produced Apollo's message. They did not label him. They did not let themselves go with the easiest question: is this "ours"? The easiest answer is always to draw a line that defines those who are "ours" from the rest.

Priscilla and Aquila understood that they had an obligation to support Apollo. They shared their experience of faith with him and explained "in more detail the way of the Lord". They worked on reception and training. They encouraged him. They strengthened their faith with the warmth of their fraternal welcome, they shared the bread and the word. And, finally, did not consider it as "his work”. After they have been able to share their life and faith, they invited him to continue responding to the call, to continue evangelizing. The result of the process is that we have in Apollo, a Catechist, an evangelist who, given his eloquence, will even come to cause divisions. Paul will have to intervene decisively to save the unity of Corinth.

After this reading we can reflect: Do we live in our communities the attitudes of acceptance that we discover in reading? Do we, as Priscilla and Aquila, encourage these attitudes, or are we those who promote to close our community to the message of others?

Let us ask the Lord to help us to see those around us and what surrounds us with the eyes of Christ, to make our communities, open communities where there is plenty of places for everyone.


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