Commentary on the Gospel of

Stan Ekwujuru, cmf


That the righteous are even shocked by the judgement of the King (in their favour) in the Gospel of today is itself a clear evidence that salvation is a gift from God. Each day the Lord invites us to cooperate with him in the process of our salvation. We need not go too far in search of salvation.

The salvation that “the eyes of Simeon” saw in the temple is with us – Christ is our salvation. He invites us daily to conform ourselves to him. It is by this process that we will have the eyes to see, the ears to hear and the heart to feel as he does, the cries, the wounds, the lacks and the needs of those around us.

Responding to these needs, it will no longer be us who respond but the grace of God in us. The season of lent invites us to reconsider our response to our Christian vocation. Let us pray that the Lord may open our eyes to see and our hearts to feel with our brothers and sisters especially those in need.


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