Commentary on the Gospel of

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF

Though a foetus develops all the senses in rudimentary form during its life in the womb, it is the sense of hearing that becomes fully functional by the 18th month of the foetal life. The medical science also informs us that it is the sense of hearing that leaves last when a person dies. So central is the sense of hearing!      

Both readings complain about human failure in listening to God. Baruch laments that everyone has failed in listening to God and following God’s commandments. He accuses God’s people of following the sinful inclinations of their hearts, worshipping false gods, and doing what displeases the one true God. Jesus laments the failure of Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum in listening to the gospel of repentance and redemption.

In the spiritual world, it is not enough that we hear with our ears; we must listen with our hearts. Like Mother Mary did.  Like the prophets did. Like Francis of Assisi, whose memory we keep today, did. Like every mystic does. Because, as Blaise Pascal once wrote: “Heart has its reason which reason does not know.” If and when our heart loses its sensitivity to the whispers of God, it hardens and we lose our way. We pray for the grace to keep our hearts functional and attuned to the whispers of the Spirit; if not, we may find Jesus weeping over us as he did over the sinful cities.

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF -


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