Commentary on the Gospel of

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF

In today’s gospel, Jesus heals two blind men, in response to their faith that he could do so if he wanted. In the first reading, Isaiah speaks about the deaf recovering their sense of hearing and the blind, their sense of vision.

             But there is a danger in recovering such vision and hearing that God offers, for he also opens up the eyes and ears of our hearts and alerts us to new realities of faith that demand a change of life style from us. The new sight and hearing Christ offers is an invitation to embrace the logic of the Kingdom and live accordingly. You might see and hear what the world does not, and the world will hate you for the same. You might be left walking a narrow path, a lonely one, a way of the Cross. But if you press hard, you will also see, beyond all the troubles of the present, a resurrection awaiting for you; you will also hear, beyond all the cacophonies of the world, a benediction beckoning you.

 Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF -


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