Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF

The words of Jesus are difficult to grasp in the first hearing. It is simply because knowing the truth takes time and effort. Every one has twofold responsibility to the truth: to know the truth and to share it. Jesus’ words are pointing towards this task we are to fulfil. A lamp is to be set in the most conspicuous place for all to see. Light is a symbol for truth. We need to witness to the truth in our life and share it so that others come to know truth, light and meaning of life.

As Mathew says in his Gospel, “you are the light of the world, a city built on a hill cannot be hidden” (Mt 5:14). That is why Jesus gave this warning: everything that is hidden will be revealed.  If anyone tries to hide the light of truth it will break forth one day. At the same time, we must make sure that we hear the truth. Today we confront an assault of many voices through media, science, politics and new set of philosophies. It is a task to distinguish truth from falsehood.

One must pay attention, take effort and discern to verify the truth. Then will emerge the truth of the Gospel. Jesus encourages us to share the Gospel and if we fail, it is damaging like a lamp under a bed. We are the bearers of the light of Christ and we must let the light of Christ to shine through us into the darkness of this world, so that those who seek the light may see.


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