Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Roland Chidiebere, CMF

Animated Christian spirit: Where there is will, there is way!

-          Friend of God

-          Undaunted spirit

-          Peace and joy

Jesus said to the disciples, ‘peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.’ It remains a thriller when one beholds a spirit-filled Christian passing through all sorts of storms in order to share the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ with others, bringing his peace and joy to them! The missionary journey (though, not many would regard it as such), that fondly comes to my mind is that of Mary and Jesus to Elizabeth and John! The roughness of the way for a young pregnant woman, physically speaking, and the consequently spiritual ministration of Jesus through the Holy Spirit to the old mother and her yet unborn precursor of the Messiah! And the result was praise of God with ‘the Magnificat!’

Today’s missionary account presents Paul and Barnabas passing through their own storms: ‘They stoned him … supposing him to be dead; the following day, he left with Barnabas for Derbe.’ Powerfully animated Christian spirit at work; they are not daunted! They forged ahead, and on their way back, guess what they did – not scared after narrowly escaping death in these places, ‘back to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch’ – they strengthened the converts saying, “it is necessary for us to undergo many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.”

Mission accomplished! Just as a woman forgets her labour-pains after delivery and focuses on the new born baby with joy, they ‘reported how they had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.’ This is their joy! Very delighted that the Gospel is proclaimed. Because, being God’s friends, they are overjoyed making known the glorious splendour of His kingdom. It does not matter what they had gone through.

Dear friend in Christ, the lover of God that you are, what is your most cherished means of sharing the Good News with others, without counting the cost? How much is it alive and active now? May the Lord continue to strengthen you as you keep braving through all sorts of challenges for the cause of the Gospel, amen.


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