Commentary on the Gospel of

Martín Areta Higuera cmf
What is the mission of a prophet? To listen to the voice of God in the world, to read the history of God behind human history, and to speak and spread this Voice and Word among the crowd.

Elijah, the prophet of Tishbe, heard the word of Yahveh and obeyed it. Jesus did the same. He knew how to look at those crowds in need of a word of hope.

In the time of the unjust king Ahab, Yahve protects his prophet. In other books of the Bible it will be people of different backgrounds who protect the faithful. Now it will be nature (ravens, brook) who, in the service of God, take care of his prophet.

In this Gospel, Jesus doesn´t only promise food and drink to those who obey the word of God. Jesus guarantees the happiness of the Kingdom to all those who, because of their faith, continue to love despite being persecuted.

What about you? Do you feel the protection of God? Would you like to be a prophet of God, despite suffering?


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