Commentary on the Gospel of

NOVICE MASTER Fr. Johnson Joseph, cmf

The parable of the talents is placed in between two other parables: Parable of the ten virgins on the need of vigilance and the final judgment that pictures the summing up one’s whole life. The present parable teaches us how to conduct ourselves now. The servants responded differently to their task depending on how they understood their master. The first two loved and trusted the master. They showed it in their commitment of life. For the third one, the master was “a hard man to be afraid of.” To appreciate, to be grateful and to increase the God given gifts, we need to know and love God. The only gift that the Lord has entrusted to us to multiply is love. St. Paul, confirms it: “God himself taught you how to love one another, I invite you to do so more and more.”

We are invited to enter into God’s kingdom. The baptism has given us a ticket with a destination written on it. In the fuss and bustle of life, involving in doing myriad of things, we tend to forget the destination. Watchfulness means to have a look at the destination written on the ticket once a while and be aware where one is going, and be prepared for such a destination constantly. Such a journey will take us to the gate of wedding banquet hall and enable us to enter inside joyfully.


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