Liturgy Alive 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time B

Sunday, June 21, 2015

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

A. With Jesus In The Storm
B. Do Not Be Afraid


    The love of Christ overwhelms us.
    He died for all,
    so that those who live
    should no longer live for themselves
    but for him who died
    and was raised up for us.
    May the Risen Lord be always with you. R/ And also with you.

Introduction by the Celebrant

    A. With Jesus In The Storm (Option 1)
    "Where are you, Lord, when we suffer?" "Why do you sleep, Lord, when your Church is in pain?" "Why is there so much evil in the world?" These are often our cries when we feel threatened by the waves of misfortune and suffering and evil. And the Lord's answer to us is a question: "Why are you so afraid? I am with you! Have faith in me, trust me." In this Eucharist we express our trust that with the Lord we can overcome all evil and trials.

    B. Do Not Be Afraid (Option 2)
    Many people are afraid today. Our times are very insecure in so many respects, with wars, violence, economic and moral crises. Things seem to move too fast for many. And the Church, in its leaders and members, is often upset and afraid too. God seems so far away, like a God who sleeps, a God who seems indifferent to our fears and anxieties. Where is our faith? Let us turn to him who journeys with us and wake him up, Jesus, our Lord and brother here among us.

Penitential Act

    Let us ask the Lord here among us
    to forgive us our lack of trust in him
    and to command the waves of fear in us
    to keep quiet and to leave us in peace.
    Lord Jesus, you command them to be quiet
    when the waves of fear toss us about:
    Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.

    Jesus Christ, you rescue your Church from distress
    when your people put their trust in you:
    Christ, have mercy. R/ Christ, have mercy.

    Lord Jesus, we rejoice in the calm
    which you give us when we believe in you:
    Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.

    Forgive us our lack of faith, Lord,
    and help us to put ourselves into your hands.
    Lead us forward in trust
    to the peace of everlasting life. R/ Amen.

Opening Prayer

    In the storms of life let us pray
    for endless trust in the Lord
    God of power and might,
    when we cry out to you in the tempests of life,
    reassure us that you care and that you are with us,
    even when you seem absent.
    Let our faith remain calm and peaceful
    and deepen it in every trial.
    Keep us believing that the waves obey you
    and that at your command
    the powers of evil cannot harm us.
    Stay with us through your Son,
    Jesus Christ, our Lord for ever. R/ Amen.

Scripture Readings

First Reading Introduction: God Speaks From The Heart Of The Tempest
      To Job crying out to God in his suffering, God's answers: Look to my power and trust me, even if you do not understand.

Second Reading Introduction: Now All Is New
      The love of Christ moves us forward, for in him we have become all new and we give up our old ways.

Gospel Introduction: Who Can This Be?
      Fear shocks the weak faith of the disciples when they experience danger. We too are asked: Why are you afraid? Why is your faith so weak?

General Intercessions

    God is our light and our security. Let us express our trust in him and pray for all people who journey through life. Let us say: R/ God, in you we trust.
    • For the Church of Jesus Christ, that its faith and love may not waver in the difficulties and storms of our time, let us pray: R/ God, in you we trust.
    • For those who doubt their faith and are afraid of facing the future, that God may give them courage, and that we may refresh their hope, let us pray: R/ God, in you we trust.
    • For sailors and fisherfolk, that the sea may be peaceful and generous to them; for all who travel, that they may safely reach their destination, let us pray: R/ God, in you we trust.
    • For the community of nations, that they may live in peace and harmony, let us pray: R/ God, in you we trust.
    • For our Christian communities, that we may all grow in trusting faith in Jesus our Lord and that his love may move us to live for one another, let us pray: R/ God, in you we trust.
    Lord our God, why should we still be afraid when we know your Son Jesus is with us? Give us his peace and let it last for ever and ever. R/ Amen.

Prayer over the Gifts

    in these signs of bread and wine
    we place ourselves into your hands
    together with Jesus, your Son.
    Make us ready with him
    to accept everything for you
    and to seek your will in all we do.
    For we know you love us
    and we love you
    in Jesus Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.

Introduction to the Eucharistic Prayer

    Jesus placed himself in the hands of the Father in life and death. With him we thank the Father for answering our trust in him.

Introduction to the Lord's Prayer

    With Jesus our Lord,
    let us now pray his prayer of trust
    to God our Father: R/ Our Father...

Deliver Us

    Deliver us Lord, from every evil,
    above all from the evil of sin.
    Enliven our faith
    and let it bring us your peace.
    Protect us from all anxiety,
    and give us the courage and hope
    to build up your new world,
    as we prepare for the coming
    of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. R/ For the kingdom...

Invitation to Communion

    This is Jesus the Lord
    who stays with us
    in the joys and trials of life.
    He asks us: "Why are you afraid?"
    Happy are we
    that he is our food of courage. R/ Lord, I am not worthy...

Prayer after Communion

    God our Father,
    in this Eucharist you have let your Son
    speak to us words of encouragement
    that put our fears to rest,
    and given us his bread of strength.
    Let us now brave with faith and hope
    the storms of the trials of life.
    For we know that Jesus is close to us,
    even if we do not see his guiding hand.
    Let him stay with us always
    and bring us to the safe harbor of your home,
    for he is our Lord for ever and ever. R/ Amen.


    This Eucharist has been for us
    a celebration of encouragement and trust.
    God has assured us:
    ''Even in the dark days of life
    there is nothing to fear,
    I am with you.
    Face life and its problems,
    I will lead you to a safe harbor.
    Trust me."
    May Almighty God give you this faith
    and bless you all:
    the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. R/ Amen.
    Let us go in the peace of Christ. R/ Thanks be to God.

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