Liturgy Alive Monday of the 6th Week of Easter C

Monday, May 22, 2017



We should not regret that the octave of Pentecost has been abolished. In the two weeks from now to Pentecost our attention is focused on the Spirit. Either the readings or the prayers, or both speak of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus was the faithful witness of the Father who showed us in terms understandable for people what God is like, but it cost him his life. Through his Spirit, he will make his apostles witnesses too. They have seen, so they MUST speak. They believe, so they MUST speak and act. The Spirit will make them afraid of nothing and nobody. Every Christian is called to be such a witness.

Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
if we really believe in you and in your Son,
we cannot be but witnesses.
Send us your Spirit of strength,
that we may give no flimsy excuses
for not standing up for you
and for the love and rights of our neighbor.
Make us only afraid
of betraying you and people
and of being afraid to bear witness.
We ask you this through Christ our Lord.

General Intercessions

- Lord, send your Spirit to your Church, that without fear it may bear witness to you that you are risen, we pray:
- Lord, Lord let your Spirit come down on our communities, that we may understand your good news better, we pray:
- Lord, give us your Spirit, that he may teach us to pray from the heart, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

God, our Father,
your Son Jesus said:
"No one takes my life from me;
it is I who give it freely."
As he is with us now,
may he give us his Holy Spirit
that we may bear witness to him without fear
and that our deeds more than our words
may show that we believe in Jesus Christ 
and that we love him,
for he is our Lord for ever.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God, we pray you also
for the strength of your Spirit
so that we can be ashamed witnesses
against the unjust conditions
we have perhaps helped to create.
Make us absolutely honest with ourselves,
that we may become liberated persons
who bring the freedom of your Son Jesus Christ
to the people and the world around us.
May our witnessing lead our brothers and sisters
to believe that your Son is alive in our midst
now and for ever.


We often need courage to bear witness to Christ and his gospel. If the gospel contradicts "public opinion," who else will give us the courage to speak out than the Spirit of truth? May he speak in our words and our lives, with the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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