Liturgy Alive Weekday after Epiphany

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


The weekdays of the Christmas-Epiphany season continue day after day to confront us with the person of Jesus. This child and our brother is God, and yet, this Son of God is fully human. This man Jesus manifests his divine power—in today’s Gospel, by walking on the waters of the lake, with water a figure of death and the power of evil, which he overcame. His coming among people is God’s work of love hence, the readings in this season are taken from John’s first letter, the core theme of which is love.
Both of today’s readings bring out another contrast: love and fear. We have nothing to fear, not because we are without sin but because God loves us as we are, on account of Jesus. The apostles are still afraid, because they do not really know yet who Jesus is, the one who overcame evil and death, and therefore all fears.

Opening Prayer

Lord God, loving Father,
fear runs in our blood.
We are often afraid of facing the future,
of committing ourselves to one another,
even of trusting ourselves,
our emotions and the forces slumbering within us.
Convince us that there is nothing to fear
and that you love us as we are,
for you are our Father
and you have given us your Son,
Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word


– For the Church of Jesus Christ, that its faith and love may not waver in the difficulties and storms of our time, we pray:
– For those who doubt their faith and are afraid of facing the future, that God may give them courage and that we may refresh their hope, we pray:
– For our Christian communities, that we may all grow together in trusting faith in Jesus, our Lord, and that his love may move us to live for one another, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord God, loving Father,
in this bread and wine,
we place all our trust in you.
Give us your Son to brave with us
the waves and the storms of life.
We are sure that with him we are capable of more
than we dare imagine or hope for.
Help us to grow day after day in trusting faith in you
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord God, loving Father,
you have shown us your power and love
in Jesus Christ, your Son
and the Son of Mary, one of ours.
In him, you have given us a sample
of what we and the world could become
if we took the risk of entrusting ourselves to him
and of living as he lived.
God, let your Son stay with us,
that we may become like him
and that no fear may mar our trust and love,
for we know that you love us
in Jesus Christ, our Lord.


“Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.” That is what Jesus tells each of us when we are facing difficulties. He is with us. May God give us strength and trust and bless us, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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