Commentary – 2-09-2024

September 2, 2024

Jesus says that the passage from Isaiah, where the Spirit’s presence is shown in the servant, has just been fulfilled in himself. This gives him the authority to announce the Gospel of salvation because he has the Spirit’s seal. “The Spirit has sent me to heal, to free, to cure, to proclaim salvation.” There’s only one condition for this to happen: there has to be listening. Listening means acceptance. And acceptance makes way for effectiveness. Jesus says, “what you have just heard is fulfilled.” If there’s no listening, he can’t act, because there’s no faith needed to receive grace. All that good can’t be received because the ears are deaf.

And if it’s something as amazing as an announcement of good news, why isn’t it accepted? Why doesn’t anyone want to listen? In this case, the closed-mindedness to the message is because the message is open to everyone; it’s the announcement of universal salvation, not just for the “chosen ones.” Grace is offered to all because the servant is “authorized” for this by the greatest force: the Spirit. Refusing to think about openness to all, and not just to a small elite group. “No one is a prophet in their own land” is another way to define envy: no one who is in the same situation as me can be greater than me. They can’t have a higher position than mine; they can’t have any privilege, much less enjoy the seal of the Spirit. This is a sad situation because it prevents the passage of good and salvation to everyone, including those who consider themselves the chosen ones.

But we can turn this envious dynamic around and think that, in reality, we’re no greater than the Master; but the Master has the Spirit’s sending to heal, to proclaim salvation. And, with him, we have that same mission.

Therefore, listening opens up an unstoppable source of joy and good. Because, by listening, we can enter into that same dynamic of receiving the mission and being sent. We can participate in that same seal of the Spirit. In fact, we already participate through our own Confirmation; but we need more listening, more acceptance, more recognition. Opening our ears allows us to receive the Spirit, the enormous universal grace of God.

Cármen Aguinaco