Commentary of the Gospell

julio 14, 2024

Relying on the Word of God

In chapter 30 of the book of Proverbs, the wise man asks the Lord for two things: to be spared from poverty and from riches. He explains that if he were rich, he might turn away from the Lord, and if he were in poverty, he might be driven to do wrong. This reflects the wisdom of seeking a balanced and content life without extreme wealth or extreme poverty.

The main message of the text is the importance of sharing our wealth and possessions with others. It emphasizes that our material riches should be transformed into love by sharing them with our brothers and sisters. Failing to transform our material wealth into acts of charity will lead to losing these riches in the afterlife.

St. Paul urges us to assist the vulnerable through our diligent work, echoing the teachings of Jesus, who stated that giving is more gratifying than receiving.

Before sending out the disciples, Jesus gives instructions. First of all, he says what

they can take for the road. In the Gospel according to Mark, a walking stick is permitted, while Matthew and Luke say not to carry it. Why? For Matthew and Luke, the walking stick was a weapon and hence, a disciple shall not carry a weapon! They emphasised the spreading of God’s kingdom as not being built through violence.

In today’s passage from Mark, those engaging in the evangelising mission are called on to rely on the power of God’s Word and the Spirit of Christ to carry out this extraordinary mission. As missionaries, we carry the powerful Word of God to bring hope, love, and forgiveness to those in need, healing the sick and dispelling oppressive forces from people’s lives.

Biblie Claret