Commentary of the Gospell

julio 9, 2024

Be compassionate like the Lord

Today’s Gospel recounts the story of Jesus healing a man who was unable to speak. The Gospel reminds us to be mindful of the evil forces that had silenced the man.

Evil forces continue to plague human existence. Imagine the forces and circumstances that prevent us from speaking the truth. Our refusal to stand for justice, peace, and love is an indication that these silencing forces are present in our own hearts, in the lives of our communities, and in the Church. 

It is alarming to note how many people around us are exhausted, disoriented, and deaf to the most important Word, the Word of God! God’s voice and the voices of the people are blocked from entering into our lives by evil forces. When faced with injustices, hatred, violence, and suppression, the only voice we would listen to would be that which shuts us down.

Our lives need an exorcism today – to drive out the demons of fear and selfishness. These demons can only be cast out by the living presence of Jesus. Be filled with the Holy Spirit of courage, mercy, and empathy and be free of the evil spirit of fear that silences us.

Today’s Gospel reveals one of the gifts of the Lord for humanity: his compassion. He looked at the crowds with empathy, not from a position of superiority, thinking «Oh, those poor people,» but from experiencing their suffering, empathizing with them, and taking action from that place. And he calls on us to do the same.

Biblie Claret