Commentary of the Gospell

marzo 5, 2023

«There, in their presence, the presence of Jesus changed»
The feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord reminds us that we are called to live the encounter with Christ, so that illuminated by his light, we can carry it and make it shine everywhere, like little lamps of the Gospel that carry a little bit of love and hope. 

On this second Sunday of Lent, the reading of the Gospel reminds us of the episode of the Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor before the ascent to the city of Jerusalem, where Jesus gave witness to the Gospel, and where he delivered the Gospel to the people; where he gave his life out of love for God and for all of us, and where he rose from the dead for our salvation.

Moses and Elijah speak with Christ and of Christ, and teach us to seek and love him in the words of Holy Scripture, which are revealed to us as the Word of the one, living and saving God. The words of the Father from the cloud go in the same direction: they tell us that Jesus Christ is his only Son, his beloved, his chosen one to bear witness to him before the world. Christ is the Word of God, the human face of the invisible God, just as in the bread and wine of the Eucharist the Body and Blood of the Risen One is transfigured for us as nourishment for our Christian life. 

Lent is a privileged time to review our Christian life, we all need to reform it, to better accept God’s plan, to get to know his Word and the person of Christ better, to put more conviction, enthusiasm and witness into our Christian life, which is only possible if we have an experience of Tabor, that is to say, an encounter with God and with ourselves.

Action: Find a moment of calm and tranquillity to go to a church to talk to the Lord and enjoy his presence. 


Victoria Sanchez - School Teacher in Madrid