Commentary of the Gospell

enero 17, 2023

On social media, a person can “go viral” in a matter of minutes and fade just as quickly. But that moment of notoriety feeds into a basic human desire: we want to be known and remembered. We want to make a difference.

The writer of the Letter to the Hebrews reminds us that “God will never forget everything you have done for love of his name.” Even if our actions of caring, love, and justice never bring us worldly acclaim, they still matter to the person that we help and to God.

It can be difficult to toil on without help or encouragement, but we have the example of the saints. many of them such as Saint Catherine Labouré and Saint Faustina Kowalska, lived their entire lives in obscurity. their holiness became known only after their deaths. God has promised that he watches us, loves us, and wants to bring us to live with him in heaven.

Mary Elizabeth Sperry - Bible Diary 2023 - Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc.