Commentary of the Gospell

enero 7, 2023

The entire life of a disciple is summed up in five simple words: “Do whatever he tells you.” These words are even more powerful coming from the Blessed Virgin Mary who lived them so fully. She heard God’s call to become Jesus’ mother and responded with a wholehearted yes. It is that yes which is a model for us, encouraging us to answer yes to whatever God asks us to do.

The servants must have wondered why Jesus was asking them to fill the water jars. Drawing that much water from a well would require a great deal of effort, especially at the end of a long wedding banquet when they were already tired. But they did what he told them to do. Similarly, the things God asks us to do may be difficult. He asks us to be faithful in our commitments, to discipline our desires, to do without luxuries so that others can have necessities, to love our neighbors as ourselves. When we do whatever he tells us, like the wedding guests we will receive more than we could ever imagine.

Mary Elizabeth Sperry - Bible Diary 2023 - Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc.