Commentary of the Gospell

noviembre 2, 2022

God’s Own Souls 

The response of the souls on the right to the King is surprising: “Lord, when did we see you hungry and gave you food, thirsty and gave you drink…?” How disarming an ignorance and innocence! And when the King explained whom they had been actually helping, their only response might have been one of surprise and delight—an “aha” experience! What does it tell us? That these righteous ones had no idea that it was the Lord they had been serving when they cared for the poor and the needy! They didn’t help because they “saw” the face of Christ in them; nor because the Bible or the Torah or the Koran commanded them to do so. They did so simply because it came naturally for them to help; because their heart was full of love and it simply overflowed to the neighbors. I wonder if these souls wouldn’t be closer to God’s throne, as they shared in the true nature of God himself!

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines