Commentary of the Gospell

October 28, 2022

Raising the Humble

Fr. James Martin, in his book My Life with the Saints, reveals that as a kid, he learned that St. Jude was the patron saint of hopeless cases. He managed to procure a little statue of the saint. Whenever his prayers to God failed, he would turn to St. Jude. In his little mind he reasoned that if God could not answer prayer, it must be a hopeless case; and St. Jude, being patron of hopeless cases, must surely be more powerful than God and would get things done. Though the logic was pretty off the mark, St. Jude does seem to be a powerful intercessor before God, given his popularity. Yet, in the gospels, he passes off as pretty ordinary. He is not in the closest circle of Christ; nor is he seen doing anything remarkable. One may consider him the “least” of the disciples. But how powerful and popular intercessors he has become for us! God does raise the lowly and the humble, and make the last first.

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines