Commentary of the Gospell

octubre 18, 2022

Cultivating Sense of Vocation

When the harvest is plentiful, will the Lord of the harvest refuse to send laborers to reap the harvest? Absolutely not! So if we have shortage of vocations, perhaps it is not God who is failing us, but we are failing him by our multi-layered ‘no’ to his call. God continues to call people to work in his vineyard; but we are either so busy with our own worldly affairs, like those guests invited to the marriage feast (cf. Lk 14:15-24) or are totally oblivious to the call. In many parishes, we hold special prayers and adoration for increase in vocations to priesthood and religious life; but honestly speaking, how many parents encourage their children to consider such a vocation? Of course, one can work for God’s Kingdom in manifold ways as a layperson; but do we cultivate in our children this sense of vocation to witness to Christ in the secular world as lay members of Christ’s Church?  May St. Luke’s life inspire us.

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines