Commentary of the Gospell

octubre 7, 2022

Chosen to Bless

Reading the book Angels in My Hair by Lorna Byrne who had the gift of seeing and interacting with angels, my overwhelmingly catholic friend was pretty disturbed about Lorna seeing angels around Islamic mosques and Hindu temples. “How can it be? They do not worship the true God!” What he didn’t realized was that whether they worship true God or not, God does care for them all. In today’s first reading, Paul reminds the Galatians that God’s promise to Abraham was that in him all the nations of the earth would be blessed. When we take our election as “people of God” to be exclusive, we begin to look down on others labeling them “less than” us and “God’s reject.” This is the mistake ancient Israel made; and a mistake we might make as well. God’s choice of someone is never a rejection of someone else; if God has chosen us, it is for the sake of using us as channels of His Grace for others; to make us a blessing for everyone.

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines