Commentary of the Gospell

octubre 4, 2022

Doing Mary While Being Martha

Martha has suffered much bad press due to the words of Jesus to her. Jesus wasn’t necessarily downgrading Martha. After all, he was so fond of the family of Lazarus and his sisters that it is this family he would choose to visit to spend a few restful moments before his passion commenced. Every one of them was dear to him. Nor was Jesus downplaying the importance of the work Martha was doing – after all, someone should take care of hospitality as well. Jesus only diagnosed the worry and anxiety she suffered while engaged in work. What Mary had achieved was the constancy and calmness of mind that helped her focus on the present. If only Martha could continue to work but with a mind and heart at rest! If only we could also do the same as we go through the daily chores and ministries!  (See the reflection on July 29.)

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines