Commentary of the Gospell

septiembre 16, 2022

Women in the Church

New Testament scholars confirm that, in comparison with the literary works of the then times, the gospels contain unusually high number of references to women. According to some scholars, of all founders of religions and sects, Jesus is unique in his welcome and affirmation of women. Jesus was humble enough to learn even from a pagan woman – the Syro-Phoenician woman who reminded him that gentiles were not to be excluded from the mercy of God (cf. Mt 15:27). In an age when the testimony of a woman was given only half the weightage of that of a man, Jesus chose Mary Magdalene to be apostle to the apostles, to be the first bearer of the good news of his resurrection. Today’s gospel testifies to how women felt free and welcome to be his followers. If Jesus welcomed men and women without any discrimination, our parishes, faith communities, and homes must also become places where women play significant roles in discipleship, evangelization, and leadership.

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines