Commentary of the Gospell

junio 6, 2024

Love is what we are here for

The readings today emphasise the importance of living a life centred on God. In the Gospel, a scribe asks Jesus about the primary commandment. Jesus responds by summarising the whole commandments of God given in the Books of Deuteronomy and Leviticus, emphasising the love of God as the first and primary commandment, adherence to which is possible only through loving one’s neighbour as oneself. Love of God and neighbour is superior to any form of sacrifice.

This first and greatest commandment is the basis of every norm of Christian conduct. Our love for God underlies all that we do, and our love for neighbours includes all, irrespective of their background or status. In fact, this commandment constitutes the essence of Christian life.

God’s Word is not chained, and His faithfulness is unwavering despite the limitations that often accompany the preachers of the Word. In today’s first reading, St. Paul speaks about the sufferings he endured for the Gospel and regards them as gains. Through our baptism, we are called to die with Christ and be brought to new life in the Spirit. Denying Christ leads to a voluntary separation, but even if we are unfaithful, God remains faithful, a constant source of reassurance and security in our lives.

The epistle encourages us to put aside worthless discussions and focus on our spiritual priorities. We are called to a completely different set of values in a world so marked by selfishness and lack of concern for others. The gospel that was preached to us is what we stand for. It is the path to life, truly the “good news” of God.