Commentary of the Gospell

julio 23, 2024

Being Family

Shoplifters is a 2018 Japanese movie that won the Palm d’Or at Cannes film festival. It tells the story of an “unnatural” family: a family of shoplifters who are not biologically related, but somehow have come together to live as family. As one watches the dynamics within this family of shoplifters, one is struck by the genuine warmth, love, care, and concern the members have for one another. They seem far more natural and genuine a family than many biological families around.

Being family with Jesus is not conditioned by biological genealogy. With his declaration of who belongs to him as family, Jesus transcends the limits of time and space and opens for us an invitation to belong to him as intimately as his own mother was—with only one proviso: that we, like Mary, listen to the will of God and realize it in our lives. Such family ties are stronger than blood and flesh—they are formed in the heart of God.

Biblie Claret