Commentary of the Gospell

mayo 24, 2024

Yoked together

Today is the “World Day of Prayer for the Church in China.” Today, the Catholic faithful in China celebrate with particular devotion the Feast of the Blessed Virgin, Mary Help of Christians, and Patroness of China, venerated at the Shrine of Sheshan in Shanghai. We entrust all the Pastors and faithful of the Church in China to the guidance and protection of our Heavenly Mother.

The Jewish society of Jesus’ time commonly believed that men were superior to women. A man had complete ownership over his wife and had the power to initiate a divorce. The wife had no right to divorce her husband.

Jesus, in a radical departure from societal norms, unequivocally rejected the cultural suppositions of his time. He proclaimed that God had created humans equal, regardless of gender. In his teachings, he emphasizes that both men and women derived their origin and dignity from God without any form of differentiation.

Talking about the irrevocable covenant of marriage, Jesus said, “What God has joined together, let no man asunder. However, the Greek term for “Joined” used by the evangelist is poorly translated, referring only to divorce and, therefore, failing to fully capture the intended meaning conveyed by Jesus. The Greek word for «joined» can be more accurately translated as «yoked together». In the marriage union, this image suggests a man and a woman with different abilities and gifts are able to contribute equally and appreciate each other’s unique qualities. Both partners reflect the loving and creative nature of God, in whose image both had been fashioned.