Commentary of the Gospell for the day, 30th of august of 2024

August 30, 2024

We can analyze the parable in today’s Gospel text from many angles. We can think that the foolish virgins were just a bit clueless and that the wise ones were selfish for not wanting to share their oil with the others. We can imagine that the oil that keeps the lamps lit is continuous prayer in the presence of the Lord. And so we can go on thinking about each of the elements of the parable and try to give it a meaning. But New Testament scholars made it clear to us a long time ago that in these short stories that Jesus tells his listeners, the only thing that matters is the central point of the story. The rest is just embellishment for the listeners.

And it’s clear that the center of the parable is only one: to be attentive and prepared because we don’t know when the one we’re waiting for will arrive. It seems that all the virgins were attentive and woke up to the voice of the one announcing the arrival of the bridegroom. But not all were prepared. Some had enough oil in their lamps, and others didn’t. So those who were not prepared, the foolish ones, as the parable calls them, had to go and get it and were left out of the feast.

Conclusion: we must be attentive, awake, vigilant. But it’s not enough: we must also be prepared. How is this “being prepared” interpreted? Some will think it’s about being “confessed and having received communion.” That is, having fulfilled the rites that the church establishes to be in “God’s grace.” That’s good, but it’s not enough. Besides, I don’t think Jesus was thinking about that at that moment. Rather, Jesus would be thinking about being willing to make the radical change that the Kingdom brings to our lives: openness to the new family that are the sons and daughters of God, willingness to embrace justice and fraternity beyond all borders and differences, recognition of the one common Father-Abba, going beyond the norms, the established, to leave everything and put oneself at the service of the Kingdom. That is being prepared.

Fernando Torres, cmf