Commentary on the Gospell for Sunday, 11th of August.

agosto 11, 2024

The Word becomes flesh

Jesus proclaimed something that might have been sacrilegious for the Jewish audience: «I am the bread of life.» The response from the Jews was intense, as anticipated. They knew him well and were acquainted with his parents and all his relatives. And now he asserts that he has come from heaven (41-42).

When writing the Gospel, John the evangelist is aware of the challenges the Jews face in accepting Jesus. In the Gospel of John, the term «Jew» refers to anyone who opposed Jesus and refused to believe that he was God’s revelation. It’s understandable that they were afraid of the concept of a God who became a man. They couldn’t comprehend that God would manifest himself in a frail and vulnerable man, the son of a carpenter.

John aims to convey to his audience that at this moment, they have to decide between embracing the Gospel, which is the essence of life, or the offerings of the world. The Gospel’s proclamation is straightforward: Jesus’ teachings were not limited to a select few but were intended for everyone unconditionally. Despite this, only a small number truly embraced the message and chose to follow him, and they were guided by the Holy Spirit.

A lot of people refuse to believe in Jesus and his proposal today. The Gospel of John began with the core of our faith: The Word became Flesh and dwelt among us.” And now he invites us to eat that “Flesh” – that is to assimilate the Word – if you want to have life. However, it’s crucial to note that this passage isn’t about the Eucharist. The Bread of Life that Jesus talks about is the gospel – The Word of God.