First Reading: 1 Sm 1:24-28
In those days,
Responsorial Psalm: 1 Samuel 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8abcd
R (see 1a) My heart exults in the Lord, my Savior.Gospel Reading: Lk 1:46-56
And Mary said:
Today is a celebration of thanks to the Lord, who does great things to humble people who trust in God. In the Old Testament Hannah gives thanks to God because he has given her a son. She dedicates him to God. Samuel will be a very great prophet of the Lord. And Mary, a young, humble, unassuming girl boldly sings out her joy and thanks to God who will upset the world’s values through Jesus, the Son to be born from her. With Hannah and Mary we sing out our joy and thanks to God.Opening Prayer
God of the little ones,General Intercessions
– For all the good things we have experienced in life we ask the Lord to accept our gratitude: Lord, all thanks to you.
– For all who have received from God many talents and goods, that out of gratitude they may share them with others, we pray:
– For our faith, for our brothers and sisters in our Christian communities and for the presence of Christ among us, we give thanks:
Prayer over the Gifts
Lord our God,
we can bring before you no more
than the humble gifts of bread and wine,
which are, after all, gifts coming from your hand.
But do great things in them,
and let them become Jesus,
your Son among us.
Let him stay with us,
so that he too can do great marvels
in us and through us,
for he is our Lord now and for ever.
Prayer after Communion
Lord our God, God of hope,
accept our thanks and joy
for your love and justice
that come to us, however poor we are.
Let your Son liberate us
from our selfishness and cold greed
Weak as we are, let him give us the strength
to make love and service
the foundation of the new world
he wants to begin with us.
Thank you, Lord, for all this joy
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
With Mary we say: “the almighty has done great things for us. Holy be his name.” May almighty God keep blessing you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.