First Reading: Rom 15:14-21
I myself am convinced about you, my brothers and sisters,
that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge,
and able to admonish one another. But I have written to
you rather boldly in some respects to remind you, because of
the grace given me by God to be a minister of Christ Jesus to
the Gentiles in performing the priestly service of the Gospel
of God, so that the offering up of the Gentiles may be acceptable,
sanctified by the Holy Spirit. In Christ Jesus, then, I have
reason to boast in what pertains to God. For I will not dare
to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished
through me to lead the Gentiles to obedience by word and
deed, by the power of signs and wonders, by the power of the
Spirit of God, so that from Jerusalem all the way around to
Illyricum I have finished preaching the Gospel of Christ. Thus
I aspire to proclaim the Gospel not where Christ has already
been named, so that I do not build on another’s foundation,
but as it is written:
Those who have never been told of him shall see,
and those who have never heard of him shall understand.
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 98:1, 2–3ab, 3cd–4
R./ The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power.
Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done wondrous deeds;
His right hand has won victory for him, his holy arm.
R./ The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power.
The LORD has made his salvation known:
in the sight of the nations he has revealed his justice.
He has remembered his kindness
and his faithfulness toward the house of Israel.
R./ The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power.
All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation by our God.
Sing joyfully to the LORD, all you lands; break into song; sing praise.
R./ The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power.
Gospel Reading: Lk 16:1-8
At another time Jesus told his disciples, "There was a rich man whose steward was reported to him for fraudulent service. He summoned the steward and asked him: 'What is this I hear about you? I want you to render an account of your service for it is about to be terminated.'
"The steward thought to himself: 'What am I to do now? My master will surely dismiss me. I am not strong enough to do hard work, and I am ashamed to beg. I know what I will do: I must make sure that when I am dismissed, there will be some people to welcome me into their house.'
"So he called his master's debtors one by one. He asked the first who came: 'How much do you owe my master?' The reply was: 'A hundred jars of oil.'
"The steward said: 'Here is your bill. Sit down quickly and write there fifty.' To the second he put the same question: 'How much do you owe?' The answer was: 'A thousand bushels of wheat.' Then he said: 'Take your bill and write eight hundred.'
"The master commended the dishonest steward for his astuteness. For the people of this world are more astute in dealing with their own kind than are the people of light.
Today's saint, Charles Borromeo (1538-1584), embodies the renewal of the Church. Though through the abuses of his time, he became, as nephew of the Pope, a cardinal, secretary of State and archbishop of Milan, all at the age of 22, he was capable and not a part of any corruption. He played an important role in the final stages of the Council of Trent. Finally residing in Milan, he put the renewal of the Church mandated by the Council into practice by reforming diocesan structures, founding seminaries, doing pastoral visitation, giving away everything he had, including his beddings during an epidemic of pestilence. He died at the age of 46, consumed with the love and zeal of Christ.
Opening Prayer
Lord our God,
as Christians we need to be marked,
like St. Charles Borromeo,
with the life and death of your Son.
Give us the strength to renew ourselves,
that you may write straight
with the crooked lines of our lives
and make us instruments of your love
and witnesses to the Gospel
of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
First Reading Introduction
Paul excuses himself for interfering in the affairs of the Church of Rome, for it was not founded by him. But he will rely on the Romans for his missionary journeys to the West. He has two basic reasons for dealing with them: collegiality – for he is an apostle like the others – and his priestly ministry as evangelizer bringing the good news to all.
Gospel Introduction
Whatever the unknown context of today’s parable may have been, the central thought of Jesus’ words seems to be this: Much has been entrusted to us and we will have to give an account for it to God. We must act responsibly, keeping our goal in mind: God and our neighbor. Let us be people who try to know where we are going and what we are doing.
General Intercessions
– For the Church, that it may be a serving Church and a Church of the poor, bearing witness to God’s gratuitousness as a living parable of sharing, we pray:
– For those in positions of responsibility in politics, finances and the economy, that honesty, justice and concern for the good of all may guide their decisions and actions, we pray:
– For those who live by the work of their hands, that people may recognize their dignity and the service they render to all, we pray:
Prayer over the Gifts
Lord our God,
you have made us responsible in your Church
for the lasting happiness of our neighbor.
Accept this bread and this wine
as signs that we want to share
our faith, our hope, our joy,
our time, and our concern
with all those who need us and whom we need.
Give us this strength by the body and blood
of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Prayer after Communion
Lord our God,
you have nourished us in this Eucharist
with Jesus, your Son.
Give to your Church shepherds
like St. Charles Borromeo,
who nourish those entrusted to them
with the gift of themselves,
who know their people and who are known by them.
Inspire and lead them with the good Spirit
of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
God has entrusted much to us to be thankful for: our talents, our friends and relatives, other people, even nature. Let us care for everything entrusted to us. May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.