«Preach the truth, even in the face of adversity.»
Saint Apollinaris (died c. 79 AD) is traditionally considered the first bishop of Ravenna, Italy. According to Christian tradition, he was ordained by Saint Peter and sent to evangelize the region. He faced persecution and exile for his preaching but is credited with establishing a strong Christian community in Ravenna.
or further information on Saint Apollinaris, these resources might be helpful:
- Saint Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr: This page offers a concise overview of his life and martyrdom: https://mycatholic.life/saints/saints-of-the-liturgical-year/july-20-saint-apollinaris-bishop-and-martyr/
- January 8 – Saint Apollinaris the Apologist – Good News Ministries: This site delves into his role as an apologist and defender of the faith: https://gnm.org/daily-saints/january-8-saint-apollinaris
- Daily Quote from St. Apollinaris – Integrated Catholic Life: This page features a quote attributed to Saint Apollinaris on the importance of studying divine truths: https://integratedcatholiclife.org/2010/09/daily-quote-from-st-apollinaris/