News in Activities

Pope invites Catholics to join Caritas 'Together We' campaign

Pope invites Catholics to join Caritas 'Together We' campaign

by: Carol Glatz - CNS & The Tablet in Activities,

Pope Francis encouraged people to take part in a new global campaign launched by Caritas Internationalis, the Vatican-based umbrella organisation for national Catholic charities. The three-year campaign aims to bring people together, especially on the grassroots level, to combat poverty, restore dignity to the marginalised and protect nature, as part of putting Pope Francis’ encyclicals Laudato Si’ and Fratelli Tutti into practice and responding to his call for integral ecology and a new kind of solidarity. 

Bishop Mario Grech: An interview with the new secretary of the Synod of Bishops

Bishop Mario Grech: An interview with the new secretary of the Synod of Bishops

by: Antonio Spadaro, SJ - La Civiltà Cattolica in Activities,

Bishop Mario Grech is the new secretary general of the Synod of Bishops. Born in Malta in 1957, he was appointed Bishop of Gozo in 2005 by Benedict XVI. From 2013 to 2016 he was president of the Episcopal Conference of Malta. On October 2, 2019, Pope Francis appointed him pro-secretary general of the Synod of Bishops.

Pope speaks out against populist politics

Pope speaks out against populist politics

by: Christopher Lamb - The Tablet in Activities,

“Democracy requires participation and involvement on the part of all; consequently, it demands hard work and patience. It is complex, whereas authoritarianism is peremptory and populism’s easy answers appear attractive. In some societies, concerned for security and dulled by consumerism, weariness and malcontent can lead to a sort of scepticism about democracy.”

Sisters open 'house of hospitality' for asylum seekers and refugees

Sisters open 'house of hospitality' for asylum seekers and refugees

by: Ruth Gledhill - The Tablet in Activities,

The Sisters of St Joseph of Peace have opened their first UK house of hospitality for asylum seekers and refugees in Nottingham, just a few miles from where the congregation was founded in 1884. St Joseph’s House of Hospitality, built within a renovated church and presbytery dating from the late 19th century, will be home to three sisters, as well as short and long-term guests referred by the Nottingham charity Host. The house is also the congregation novitiate.

COP summit 'disappointing' says bishop

COP summit 'disappointing' says bishop

by: Ellen Teague - The Tablet in Activities,

The outcome of the COP26 Climate summit in Glasgow has been described as “disappointing” by the lead bishop on the environment for England and Wales. Bishop of Salford John Arnold, who was in Glasgow for the conference, said: “Having seen the enthusiasm of so many people, expressing their hopes for the COP26 conference, having read so much about the science that has accurately explained what damage we have done to our climate and our world... the plan is not there.”

Dioceses across UK launch synod 'listening' process

Dioceses across UK launch synod 'listening' process

by: Madoc Cairns - The Tablet in Activities,

The diocesan phase of the groundbreaking 2021-2023 synodal process has launched across the British Isles. The Archbishop of Southwark has followed Westminster in launching a diocesan consultative process with an appeal to “deepen our understanding of what it means to live together in union with Christ”. Many other dioceses across the UK have also now followed suit.

Bishops divest from fossil fuels in run-up to COP26

Bishops divest from fossil fuels in run-up to COP26

by: Madoc Cairns - The Tablet in Activities,

The Catholic bishops of Scotland have announced their divestment from fossil fuels in advance of the COP26 summit in Glasgow, alongside 72 other faith organisations internationally. The combined assets of the divesting organisations, from Australia, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Nepal, Peru, Ukraine, the UK, the United States and Zambia, amount to more than 3.5 billion pounds. 

Christ the Redeemer is 90 years old today... so how was it built?

Christ the Redeemer is 90 years old today... so how was it built?

by: Ellen Manning - Yahoo's 'On This Day' in Activities,

It is one of the most iconic vistas in the world and was unveiled nearly a century ago – on 12 October, 1931. Brazil's statue of Christ the Redeemer sits on top of the 700-metre (2,300ft) Corcovado mountain overlooking the city of Rio de Janeiro. Standing 30 metres (98ft) high, with arms stretching 28m (92ft) wide, the world-famous statue has become a cultural icon and was voted one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

‘With a sorrowful heart …’ - the scandal of abusive priests

‘With a sorrowful heart …’ - the scandal of abusive priests

by: Tomáš Halík - The Tablet in Activities,

The scandal of abusive priests has devastated thousands of lives and exposed a crisis of faith. Addressing an international conference on the issue in Warsaw last month, one of Europe’s leading Catholic intellectuals argued that only profound reform can save the institutional Church. In a spirit of humility and with a sorrowful heart – in spiritu humilitatis et in animo contrito – I want to touch on one of the most painful wounds of the Church.

Top Catholic school opens new 'Rome' building

Top Catholic school opens new 'Rome' building

by: Ruth Gledhill - The Tablet in Activities,

Catholic pupils at All Saints Catholic College in west London have begun lessons in the school’s new £4.25 million Rome Building. The building, built to meet the needs of the needs of a school that has grown in popularity over the past three years, includes a drama studio, two music classrooms, three music practice rooms and a rehearsal room with a full recording studio. The headteacher Andrew O’Neill also has his office in the Rome Building.

Catholic medics do God's work on the Covid-19 front line

Catholic medics do God's work on the Covid-19 front line

by: Father Antoine Chung Chi Tam - UCANews in Activities,

 A young Vietnamese doctor says her personal pain and fear are nothing compared to those of patients. As a volunteer, I work with many Catholic doctors and nurses in the intensive care unit of a field hospital. I see them be assiduous in their duties without complaining, try their best to save patients' lives from critical situations, and silently pray for patients who are about to stop breathing.

Fears grow of 'devastating' cut in Universal Credit

Fears grow of 'devastating' cut in Universal Credit

by: Scarlett Sherriff - The Tablet in Activities,

Caritas Westminster is among more than 1100 church leaders and organisations protesting to Prime Minister Boris Johnson about plans to cut Universal Credit. Caritas Westminster warned of increased demand on food banks if the Government cuts Universal Credit. Emergency food relief projects in the Diocese of Westminster have shared their concerns about the cut with Caritas Westminster.

Freedom comes at a price

Freedom comes at a price

by: 15-07-2021 The Tablet in Activities,

The Prime Minister has announced that in England legal restrictions, for instance enforcing the wearing of masks in crowded public spaces, should be replaced by voluntary advice, leaving it up to every individual whether they comply or not. This is not going to work.

Hong Kongers rush to archive democracy movement

Hong Kongers rush to archive democracy movement

by: AFP, Hong Kong in Activities,

Hong Kong activists are working in the shadows to preserve digital backups of their democracy movement as the physical symbols of their resistance, including an opposition newspaper and a museum, are purged from the city's streets.

Afghanistan: Christianity’s survival on a knife edge

Afghanistan: Christianity’s survival on a knife edge

by: John Pontifex - The Tablet in Activities,

For Afghanistan’s small and already precarious Christian community, previously estimated to number up to 12,000, the return to power of the Taliban has brought fear and uncertainty. Reports received by Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) and other agencies working closely with religious and other minorities leave us in no doubt about the scale of the crisis facing Christians in Afghanistan. 

Britney declares she has become a Catholic

Britney declares she has become a Catholic

by: Sebastian Milbank - The Tablet in Activities,

In a post on Instagram yesterday Britney Spears wrote: “I just got back from mass...I’m Catholic now...let us pray.” The 39-year-old pop star was raised in a strict Baptist household and is a regular churchgoer, but has had a troubled relationship with her family and her fame.