News in World Issues

Cafod criticises report calling for massive overseas aid cuts

Cafod criticises report calling for massive overseas aid cuts

by: Ruth Gledhill - The Tablet in World Issues,

The Catholic Church's aid agency Cafod has criticised a report calling for a multi-billion pound cut in the UK's overseas aid budget. The report, "Global Britain: A Blueprint for the 21st Century", with a foreword by former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, argues among other things for the closure of the Department for International Development.

Pope Francis condemns dangers of digital world

Pope Francis condemns dangers of digital world

by: Christopher Lamb - The Tablet in World Issues,

In a message to mark the Church's world communications day, the Pope welcomes possibilities the web and social networks open up but also warns of the dangers. “If the internet represents an extraordinary possibility of access to knowledge, it is also true that it has proven to be one of the areas most exposed to disinformation and to the conscious and targeted distortion of facts and interpersonal relationships, which are often used to discredit,” he writes. 

Mosque attack kills 2 in southern Philippines

Mosque attack kills 2 in southern Philippines

by: Joe Torres, Manila - UCAN in World Issues,

Zamboanga City blast comes 3 days after twin Jolo Cathedral bombings claim 21 lives. Claretian missionary priest Angel Calvo, president of Peace Advocates Zamboanga, appealed for calm and called on people to pray for peace. "These are terroristic and barbaric acts," said the priest who has worked to foster inter-religious dialogue among Christians and Muslims in Mindanao for more than four decades.

Visiting bishops see 'incomprehensible complexity' of Holy Land situation

Visiting bishops see 'incomprehensible complexity' of Holy Land situation

by: Catholic News Service in World Issues,

Bishops participating in the annual Holy Land Coordination see "great need" to promote an understanding between Israelis and Palestinians, said Bishop Noel Treanor of Down and Connor, Ireland. "There is ... a need to devise ways for both people to understand that, ultimately and finally, for the common good of all, a permanent and sustainable solution is needed," said Bishop Treanor.

UK in 'amazing' mess over Brexit, says Catholic bishop

UK in 'amazing' mess over Brexit, says Catholic bishop

by: Simon Caldwell-Catholic News Service in World Issues,

"The problem with the House of Commons is that three-quarters of the members voted to remain," said Rees-Mogg, chair of the pro-Brexit European Research Group, on ITV news Jan. 15. "Therefore, you have got a 'remainer' House of Commons trying to implement a 'leave' that it doesn't want. That is why you have no agreement on the deal.

Ecological conversion: Greening the Christian heart

Ecological conversion: Greening the Christian heart

by: Brother William Ng OFM - UCAN in World Issues,

Respect for the environment should take center stage in 2019 to change ideas about the proper use of the Earth's resources. So, the ecological crisis summons all Christians to a profound interior conversion. The result of an ecological conversion means that the Christian encounter with Jesus Christ becomes evident in the relationship with the world around us.

God's love is what will change the world, says Pope

God's love is what will change the world, says Pope

by: Cindy Wooden, CNS in World Issues,

The birth of Jesus teaches Christians that love is more valuable than anything else and is what will change the world, Pope Francis said. "In Bethlehem, we discover that the life of God can enter into our hearts and dwell there. If we welcome that gift, history changes, starting with each of us," the pope said in his homily at Mass Dec. 24 in St. Peter's Basilica.

SILENT NIGHT, Austria's melodic message of peace

SILENT NIGHT, Austria's melodic message of peace

by: Greg Tasker - BBC in World Issues,

Every Christmas Eve, hundreds of people from all over the world crowd outside the octagonal-shaped chapel in Oberndorf, Austria, to sing along to one of the world’s most-beloved Christmas carols: Silent Night. It’s a scene especially poignant this holiday season, as 24 December 2018 marks the 200th anniversary of the song’s humble origins in Oberndorf. 

Climate Change is man-made, says Cardinal Parolin

Climate Change is man-made, says Cardinal Parolin

by: La Croix International staff - Poland in World Issues,

The Vatican’s Secretary of State has told delegates at the UN Climate Summit that climate change is caused by humans and that we all bear responsibility to protect and value creation. Speaking at the COP-24 conference on Tuesday, Cardinal Pietro Parolin said the international community also has a moral responsibility to address climate change.

Might the people get another vote?

Might the people get another vote?

by: Julia Langdon-The Tablet in World Issues,

Just once in a while, in the middle of a complex and difficult political muddle, there can come a moment when the voice of common sense can be heard above the clamour, ringing with the blessed clarity of a bell from a church steeple. “What I want,” said the plaintive voice of a woman on the radio this week, “is for all this nonsense to stop.”

Brexit: Who will captain this sinking ship?

Brexit: Who will captain this sinking ship?

by: Conor Gearty-The Tablet in World Issues,

Shortly after the 2016 referendum, a friend of mine, an experienced diplomat, said of Brexit that it could best be understood as a type of cult, played out on a vast – and therefore catastrophic – national stage. We both knew of the likely range of disastrous consequences that would flow from the “decision” that the “people” had supposedly then just taken.

Fraternity, a revived ideal

Fraternity, a revived ideal

by: Jean-Christophe Ploquin - La Croix International in World Issues,

In a world where national egotism is growing stronger, fraternity still has something to offer. The concept has formed part of the France's motto of  “liberty, equality, fraternity” since 1848. Now, France’s Constitutional Council has ruled that fraternity “must be respected as a constitutional principle by the legislator and may be invoked in legal hearings.” 

Refugee crisis: Europe must find migration consensus

Refugee crisis: Europe must find migration consensus

by: Editor's desk - The Tablet in World Issues,

The story of the Aquarius is a sign that Europe is heading for a refugee crisis this summer worse than any previously. Aquarius, a motor vessel hired by non-government organisations including Médecins Sans Frontières, had rescued nearly 700 refugees, a quarter of them children, from unseaworthy small boats off the Libyan coast. It proposed to land them in Italy, as had been done previously. Meanwhile, the new Italian interior minister, Matteo Salvini, fulfilling what he said was a campaign pledge, refused to let the Aquarius dock.

Liberal democracy at risk, warns Patten

Liberal democracy at risk, warns Patten

by: Ruth Gledhill - The Tablet in World Issues,

The Conservative peer Lord Patten of Barnes, Chancellor of Oxford University, has outlined the urgent need to speak out for the role of universities as bulwarks of liberal democracy. "The foundations of liberal democracy are being eroded “at an accelerating pace”.

Jacob's Ladder: Will Jacob Rees-Mogg reach the top?

Jacob's Ladder: Will Jacob Rees-Mogg reach the top?

by: Lorna Donlon - The Tablet in World Issues,

Jacob Rees-Mogg talks to Lorna Donlon about reconciling Catholicism and Consevatism. The light dapples on the grumpy waters of the River Thames and Jacob Rees-Mogg MP and I are nudging towards the end of afternoon tea alongside a terrace in the Houses of Parliament, when I raise the question of the leadership of the Conservative Party. ... “Well, you know I am eligible to be pope,” he pronounces in a jocular tone. “All Catholic males are eligible to be pope if the Holy Ghost so decides …

Time to take stronger stand against modern slavery

Time to take stronger stand against modern slavery

by: Fr. Shay Cullen - UCAN in World Issues,

Tackling human trafficking has become one of the main priorities of the Catholic Church in recent years. In September last year, Vatican officials met with groups, including police authorities, from around the world to share experiences on how they try to combat the scourge.