Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF

The call to holiness is the focus of the readings today. Moses reminded the people the wish of God for them: ‘Be holy for I am holy.’ They are to respond to this call by dealing kindly with fellow people and by refraining from enmity and revenge. Paul reiterates the same call to be holy by pointing that we are temple of God who is holy. We are left with no other choice other than to be holy. God desires that our choices and dealings should lead to and reflect holiness.

Jesus presents before us the roadmap towards the holiness that God wants. It may not look very easy and appealing but it is the only way given to us to be perfect, to be holy like our Father in heaven. ‘It is said’ is the divine passive and therefore it is what God says. It is very unlikely that any human person would suggest the ways of not seeking revenge, not resisting the aggressor and loving the enemy. It takes a God to do that, because that is what His nature is.

God invites us to be perfect like him. It needs a share in the divine nature to wish the wellbeing and happiness of the aggressor and the enemy, and do everything possible within one’s reach for their good and welfare. The way to holiness is demanding and yet worth walking, because Jesus walked before us and showed us the way.


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