Commentary on the Gospel of

Fr. Johnson Joseph Thurackal CMF

The disciples who came the down the mountain after an experience of reassuring presence of God, confronted a fearful experience of evil in the valley. When the spiritual experience deepens and we see God better, we will also able to see and understand evil better. Our closeness to God enables us to distinguish evil better and to know that Jesus will take us through it safely. Yet, it is surprising that the disciples were not able to expel the evil spirit. We read in the previous chapters of Gospel (6:13), Jesus gave them authority and they successfully drove out evil spirits. It is clear that battle with evil is difficult. Victory over sin comes through faith in Jesus and not through human effort.

As St. James points out in his letter, the wisdom of this world seeks one’s own glory and earthly compliments. The wisdom from above makes one humble and trusting in God’s power. The disciples who lack this spiritual vision could easily be carried away by worldly considerations and consequently they fail in exercising the God given authority and administer God’s grace in His name. Jesus praised the faith of the father of the child, and at the same time indicated the disciples that they lack prayer. Our intimate communion with God in faith renders effective what God has empowered in us.


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