Commentary on the Gospel of

Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF - Claretian Publications Philippines - Victoria Sanchez - Teacher in Madrid

Three-Pronged Revelation


The great vision of God’s holiness makes Isaiah intensely conscious of his own sinfulness. Paul confesses that whatever he is, is by the Grace of God working in him. The miraculous catch of fish brings Simeon Peter to his knees and a confession.


Revelation is always a twin-revelation: who God is and who we are. Before the vision of the immense grandeur and holiness of God, Isaiah can only become self-conscious of his own sinfulness. Before the miraculous catch of fish that Jesus worked, Peter can only murmur: “Leave me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” And Paul knows very well that he was so despicable that he neither merited a visitation from God nor the title apostle. This self-awareness is invariably a consciousness of the vast gulf existing between God’s goodness and holiness, and our creatureliness and sinfulness. Thankfully, within this gulf plays God’s Grace that transforms us into whom God desires us to be—as it happened with Isaiah, Paul, and Peter. So, perhaps I should correct myself: Revelation is always three-pronged: Who God is, who we are, and who we can be, by God’s Grace. 


“Lord, give me true self-knowledge so that I know and love you more.”


Receive the sacrament of reconciliation (confession) this week.


5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

"Jesus calls: "Put out into the deep and let down your nets".

The three great experiences of this Sunday are all vocational experiences. Isaiah, Paul, Peter and their companions are called by the Lord. The circumstances are different, but it is always God who comes to meet them. Vocation is God's of God. It is gratuitous, ineffable, mysterious and at the same time imperative. "Follow me" Wealth and commitment.

Every Christian has been called by the Lord. We all have a vocation, even if we do not all live it in the same way. It is up to each one of us ,

How do I react to the call? How do I act when I feel the call? I feel it? Because the Lord is calling us to a "great" mission: to put out into the deep.

Do not be afraid. I am with you. He encourages us all. To put out into the deep and casting out the nets are two movements that capture the core of the Christian vocation that which takes place in the depths of the heart: interiority, and that which unfolds towards others and with others: mission. And it is the Lord who is going to do it, only he can open up a future in our fearful present.

We need to pray for religious and priestly vocations. The Second Vatican Council tells us: "The duty to foster vocations concerns the whole Christian community" (OT2).

Simon Pero threw himself at the feet of Jesus saying: "Lord, depart from me, for I am a sinner". God always goes ahead and always waits for us. 

We have heard the Word of God, which is always a call to all: "Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers to work in the harvest". Thank you, Lord, for the times you have smilingly called my name, inviting me to follow you. 

(Psalm 137) In front of the angels I will sing for you, Lord.



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